

Brief: A budgeting app with a savings-oriented goal.

My role: UX,User flow mapping,User interview survey.

Purpose: Enable users to not only track expenses but also achieve their savings goals through the app.


We first looked into our experience.What request is important in the track one's spending app, we also ask our friends about experience. Subsequently, through user surveys, it was revealed that users primarily use the budgeting software to save on expenses.


After collected the information, guiding users to save money has become a significant challenge. and we found that using chart and make it easier is the most important issue in our app.


Through user surveys,e found that users are more willing to save money when they have specific savings goals. For example, if a user wants to attend a concert next month, they will cut down their regular expenses to achieve their goal.
As a result, we developed a feature in our app to make it easier for users to reach their savings goals. Users can set multiple goals to help them save money more effectively. Additionally, we use visual aids like pie charts to provide users with a greater sense of satisfaction. This is what sets us apart from other budgeting apps on the market.

Information Architecture

After discussing our direction, we began to create flow and wireframes. During these discussions, in addition to focusing on user-friendliness, we also introduced some features that can better assist users. For instance, users can set a daily budget to have better control over their financial management.


In addition to investing time in various charts, we've also incorporated some of our ideas into the colors and functionalities. For the purpose of helping users more effectively achieve their financial management goals, users can categorize their expenses. This way, users can easily track whether they've overspent or saved in categories like dining or entertainment for the month.