E-learning website


Brief: Online courses website designed to help children improve their acdemic performance.

My role: UI, UX, design system, prototype.

Purpose Provide online course for parents whose children are studing at elementary school. Let kids learn easily, in a small piriod of time.

Problems: The website for children and parents, so the website should be easy to use.



We first looked into our experience. When we were students, we all spent a great amount of time at schools or cram schools.Therefore, we know some pain points in learning.

Target Audience

Students aged 10 to 15 who want to learn faster and more efficient. Parents aged 30 to 50 whose children are studying at elementary school.


We tried to conduct interview to gather deeper insight about the topic. The interview questions sought to collect information about people's experience of learning. By designing the questions, I apply the golden circle approach to discover more detail information.

After collected the information, we found that laziness and bussiness happened in most of our interviewees. Parents sometimes did not want to use the website because of diffculty. I learn that length of courses and website usibility would be central issue that cause people often give up learning online. .

Competitive Analysis

We started this process to understand those similar products in Taiwan. I also read some case study form internet to study more information. With those analysis I can have a chance to see what features work well and what are not. Also, I am able to spot the common design patterns that users may be used to. Then, we can figure out something to learn and improve when developing our website.

We found some online courses in Taiwan, we listed some main features. From the analysis, most website provide a main feature is to let users learn by themselves. There is no any practice or feedback. They all only want to sell their courses as fast as possible and ignore how to help students after the courses.

To sum up, many websites try to invite famouse people to introduce their courses. But, except the course, there isn't any feebacks for users.


I created personas base on the interview data to help us focus on target users through the whole develop process. In the two personas, they cover our target users setting. One is child who want to use e-learning products . The other is a parent whose child studying at elementary school.

Establish Requirements

We focus on our target users and previous research to develop some key features.


Buy courses at website easily. And provide a assistant after the courses.

Information Architecture

After deciding on key features that may help users. I sorted those information form research to structure the product. I built the flow and user map to see which would work more logically.

For login

For buing

Low-fidelity Wireframes

Based on the flow , I sketched some wireframe to see if the system works. Those wireframes would help guide later stage design and interaction.


I created the prototype to test the whole system. With the prototype, we can see if the user flow works smoothly.

Mock up

Some mock up and RWD

The Difficult of project

The most difficult in this project is about Cooperation.I have to conclude observations and recommendations and work with other engineers, that is not difficult for me, but some back-end engineers resigned from the company. We have to start over to meet the new person and teach them what we are making, what this project doing, need to spend lots of time let the project move.


The problem is that we donˊt have much time to wait for the new engineer, but engineersˊs work we can not give any advice. So I ask for the team to spend about one hour in the meeting to introduce what the project we actually do and what the problem we met.Finally,the new colleagues only spent a week to learn and working smoothly.